Well darlings, what a co-hort we have to kick off Pride Bristol's The Darkling Plain in true gin-supping, lindy-hopping, frocliking-in-bunting style!
Joining us we will be the ruddy glorious Cox and Baloney, with some of Bristol's finest vintage wares. Making us more beautiful than the love child of Rita Hayworth and Elizabeth Taylor we have the wonderful Fiona Maynard from Beehive brides who'll be curling and lining and gosh knows what else! We're lucky enough to have the gorgeous Jo Gilder tinkling our ivories all night and do give him a nudge if you'd like to get up and sing along!
If you come along - and for goodness sake why wouldn't you - you may also get to jig about with the wonderful dancers of Hoppin' Mad and Swing Dance Bristol, either that or skulk by the bar where the Tobacco Factory assures me there will be gin and ginger beer on offer...
The fabulous OutStories Bristol will be there with an exclusive display about the LGBT and hidden histories of Bristol although I have warned that young Charlie chap not to dig too deep into Mrs C's murky past. Hmmm.
Potential libel suits aside, whether you're shopping, dancing, singing along at the old joanna or being a history buff, burning off all those calories means there is only one remedy; cake and lots of it. Delighting the eyes and tickling the tastebuds will be the incredible edible creations of Anne Paulette from Pretty Amazing Cakes.
Well lawks, never let it be said us Darklings don't throw a good bash! There are even rumours afoot of the mysterious glamourous Malago and Clifton WI swinging into town. Better stock up the gin...
Absolutely bursting to see all of you there! Don't forget your tickets!
Fondest squeezings,
Mrs C.
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