Good Eggs

Well gosh there are rather a lot of absolute dears without which this production would not have been possible, I do hope not to miss anyone off the list...

Pride Bristol
We we ever so thrilled to be asked to be part of the fabulous and award winning Pride Bristol. The whole team from the volunteers to the darlings in the shop and the other contributors have been marvellous but extra special thanks must go to the incredible driving force behind the whole lark; Anna Rutherford, Amy Wilson, Louise Trimby and Daryn Carter. 

University of Bristol Drama Department 
Never let it be said that this department let their alumni go begging! With a cast and crew of departmentals past and present the old UoB lot played an absolute blinder generously providing rehearsal space, letting us plunder the props stores and allowing some of us more, ahem, senior fellows to relive a little of our youth! We are greatly indebted to the wonderful Pam Tait, Rona Fineman and Rod Terry.  

The Tobacco Factory
Squeezing us into their packed programme the Tobacco Factory theatre were gracious hosts, allowing us to run riot with bunting all over their lovely bar and even helping shift the odd piano. Thanks here must go to David Dewhurst, Holly Foulds, patient techy Matt, the box office loves and Jonny and the jolly bar team! 

Vintage Fair Loves 

For those of you who popped along to our fabulous pre-show party you may have already experienced these delightful people and if you haven't, well then get clicking! 

Sincerelyours - wonderfully creative dears do pop into their shop soon!  
For incredible authentic vintage glamour you must get in touch with the amazing Fiona Maynard of Beehive Brides and lovely Isabel While of  Bridal Styling, they can shake a tail feather and do your lippy at the same time, utterly fabulous! 
It was a real treat to meet the lovely Anne Paulette of Pretty Amazing Cakes how she makes such scrumptious and beautiful creations I do not know but I did love investigating!
Getting proceedings off to a electric start on opening night were the amazingly athletic Graeme and Ann of Hoppin' Mad  and getting our party in the second night swing was the wonderful David of Swing Dance Bristol. And if all that bopping about inspired you to give it a whirl then you can find details of classes on both their sites now!  
Bristol OutStories  provided us with a fascinating insight into the LGBT history of Bristol and some great stories! They meet every month so if they perked your historical curiosity then do drop Charlie a line and pop along to their next meeting!

And finally, what fun to be joined on opening night by the marvellous
Malago WI and Clifton WI; we were thrilled they came along to lend their support for Pride Bristol 2011! 

Friends, family and miscellaneous supportive miscreants
Daniel Skirrow, Katy Roberts, Janie Digby, Harry Bevan, Gareth Mayer, STA Bristol, Bernie Hodges, Lesley Hunter, Colin Hunter, Jo Gilder, Ben Brown and the Explorer Dome team, Jo Hunter, Ellie Cole, Tash's grandma, Carol Peace, The UoB Students’ Union and The Robin Hood Pub.